Handbags are one of the most important fashion accessories for women. This is why finding authentic wholesale Italian bags is crucial.
ItalianModa B2B marketplace helps (for free) business owners like you to find and make contact with qualified Italian manufacturers, artisans and brands of luxury leather bags wholesale made in Italy. Many offer a Private Label service so that you can have your own line of exclusive “Made in Italy” leather handbags.
La Pochette di Martina
A small leather pouch, the pochette, is a versatile bag for everyday use. It is perfect for carrying your credit cards, keys, and other essentials, and comes in a wide array of colors to match any outfit. The pochette’s name is derived from the Italian word for “pocket,” which refers to its diminutive size.
The Milanese brand Maria La Rosa uses ancient weaving techniques to produce handbags that are classic, feminine and practical. Its collections eschew following trends in favor of supporting historic crafts like the ribbon woven Game clutch and the knitted Tricot Game bag.
Italian manufacturers and brands sell wholesale fashion bags in luxury high-fashion leathers, faux leathers, and natural materials such as straw and canvas. Many offer a private label service that can help you create your own line of exclusive Made in Italy bags. Visit the B2B marketplace ItalianModa to find and make contact with qualified suppliers. Then, you can order the perfect bags for your shop or boutique.
IACOBELLA bags are the perfect match of casual style with sophisticated elegance, and they’re characterized by a high-quality leather that is dyed in Italy. The Florentine company also offers original backpacks that combine function with a stylish look, and they’re a great choice for a trip abroad.
Back in 2019 when Iacobella Gaetani returned from one of the many trips that have marked the different stages of her life, she decided to create a new project: IACOBELLA. The objective was clear from the start: to make bags that are the epitome of feminine accessories and a perfect travel partner with a strong sense of identity.
IACOBELLA manufacturers and brands wholesale fashionable bags in leather, faux leather, canvas and straw. They offer a wide range of models, styles and colors matching current market requirements. They sell directly to resellers with reasonable low minimums. They usually offer a Private Label service or a collection development service. Using this B2B marketplace, you can get in touch with highly qualified Italian bag artisans, factories or manufacturers and have your exclusive line of luxury bags produced by them (Made in Italy). Boost sales worldwide, leveraging the terrific appeal of Made in Italy!
Maria La Rosa
Maria La Rosa is a family-run company that designs and manufactures handbags. The brand uses a variety of disciplines to craft its products, including weaving, knitting, macrame, and crochet. The resulting bags are unique and elegant.
The company’s designs are based on the concept of “sensual minimalism”. They are made from carefully selected natural fibers. They also feature a range of color options to suit any outfit. The woven ribbon fabric used for these bags is hand-crafted on antique looms, adding a couture feel to the designs.
Interested in buying Italian leather bags for your store? Our B2B marketplace can help (for free) you find and connect with Italian bag manufacturers, artisans, brands, and factories that offer wholesale prices. Our platform matches your request with the best-matching companies, and they will contact you directly to discuss their specialized catalogue and private label service. This is the best way to get exclusive, sought-after Italian luxury bags for your boutique or department store.
Marta Ray
Marta Ray is an Italian wholesale bag supplier that combines elegance with a provocative style. Their designs are inspired by nature, travel and women’s creativity. They believe that their products should empower women to be the best versions of themselves. The brand is original and independent, and its approach to design is based on evolution and change.
One of their most popular bags is a leather backpack with a color block pattern in shades of brown and blue. Its unique design and practical features make it a great choice for any woman. The company uses the highest-quality materials, and its bags are a great addition to any wardrobe. Customers can also purchase their bags with confidence because they offer a money-back guarantee. They also provide excellent customer service.italy wholesale handbags